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The Best Non-GMO Resources for Consumers, Farmers, and Businesses

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are everywhere. In fact, recent studies show that 90% of the most commonly farmed crops in the US are grown from genetically modified seeds

As the use of these organisms has become more pervasive, so have discussions around their benefits and drawbacks. Fortunately for those who are mindful of the ethics, sustainability, and safety of GMOs, there are plenty of GMO-free foods and products on the market. 

To help you make informed decisions about the foods and products you buy, we’ve compiled a list of free-to-access non-GMO resources – from advocacy and labeling non-profits to research organizations, seed banks, and non-GMO product suppliers.

If you’re concerned about GMOs, would like to get involved with a non-profit, or simply want to learn more, look for your country or region below.

North America

1. A Greener World

Website: agreenerworld.org 

A Greener World (AGW) supports and promotes sustainable farming and food production, including the production of non-GMO crops. It offers several types of certification labels, such as Certified Non-GMO, Certified Organic, and Animal Welfare Approved. 

Consumers can learn more about non-GMO labeling with AGW’s comparison chart of non-GMO labels. The organization is based in Oregon, USA, with programs throughout America and Canada, the United Kingdom, as well as South Africa.

2. Canadian Biotechnology Action Network

Website: cban.ca 

The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) is made up of 15 different groups that collaborate to provide Canadians with credible third-party information about GM foods and animals. Its website hosts pamphlets, posters, and fact sheets about GMOs for consumers. 

The organization also advocates for better regulations concerning GMOs on a local, national, and international level. 

3. Center For Food Safety

Website: centerforfoodsafety.org  

The Center For Food Safety (CFS) promotes organic, ecological, and sustainable alternatives to industrial farming through legal action, advocacy, and education.

The organization has filed and won many lawsuits concerning the regulation and labeling of GMO foods. Its website offers updates on GMO-related court cases as well as calls to action against GMOs, factory farms, and inhumane farm conditions for animals.

While CFS operates primarily in California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, the outcomes of the cases it brings to the federal courts often affect the entire country.  

4. FoodChain ID

Website: foodchainid.com 

Based in North America with branches across Europe, FoodChain ID helps organizations and businesses around the world comply with non-GMO certifications and regulations, and test for GMOs in their products. 

FoodChain ID tests and verifies products on all parts of the production chain, from grains and animal feed to finished products. It offers many different types of testing and verification so that companies can choose the best option to meet their needs. 

5. GMO / Toxin Free USA

Website: toxinfreeusa.org 

GMO / Toxin Free USA aims to regulate GMOs and other toxins in order to create a clean and accessible food supply in the United States. 

The website lists popular products that have tested positive for GMOs. Visitors can also access the organization’s podcast, educational resources, listed research papers, and breaking news articles about GMOs. 

For those who want to get involved by fostering change in their communities, the website also lists current product boycotts and pending legislation that you can support.

6. GMO Science

Website: gmoscience.org 

GMO Science is a web-based educational forum where independent scientists post research-based information on genetically engineered crops and foods. 

After discovering inconsistencies in the studies available through the National Institute of Health’s PubMed database, the organization’s founding team set out to make unbiased research available to the general public.

The website provides access to GMO studies through a research library to help consumers, researchers, scientists, policymakers, and healthcare professionals make informed choices about GMO foods. GMO Science offers both basic and more advanced information on GMOs, making it a suitable resource for beginners and experts alike. 

7. Green America

Website: greenamerica.org 

Green America helps consumers use their buying power to foster change on a local and national level. It educates the public about sustainable and healthy business practices as well as advocating against GMOs. 

The organization operates The Green Business Network and Center For Sustainability Solutions. These entities assist small businesses and other institutions at every stage of the supply chain in their quest to become more sustainable.

8. The Non-GMO Project

Website: nongmoproject.org 

The Non-GMO Project provides third-party certification for non-GMO food and products in North America. It also offers assistance to manufacturers of non-GMO products to help them become non-GMO certified. 

The non-profit’s website maintains a database of verified non-GMO products as well as a list of stores and websites for consumers who want to shop non-GMO products. It also hosts a companion blog for consumers and retailers.

9. Organic Consumers Association

Website: organicconsumers.org 

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is a grassroots non-profit focused on protecting the public’s right to access safe and healthful food and other products. The organization advocates for a global moratorium on GMO foods and crops. It also publishes a blog and newsletter to educate organic consumers about the latest causes and issues.

The website covers topics like genetic engineering, environmental sustainability, and pesticide use. It features a regenerative farm map with locations all over the world, as well as guidance on how to find similar farms within your own community.

10. Pesticide Action Network

Website: panna.org 

Although the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) is based in North America, it has five independent regional centers that operate across 90 countries. More than 600 organizations collaborate on its projects and campaigns. 

In addition to focusing on the overuse and harmful effects of pesticides, PAN also works to limit and eliminate other potentially harmful agricultural practices, such as GMOs. 

PAN’s website makes it easy for the public to participate in its campaigns. In addition to activism information, the site has resources that teach readers how to make choices that support responsible agricultural practices.

11. Seed Savers Exchange

Website: seedsavers.org

The world’s largest seed exchange, Seed Savers Exchange gives its members access to 25,000 varieties of homegrown seeds from its seed bank in Iowa. Gardeners can use these organic heirloom seeds to plant a variety of their own crops, thereby preserving biodiversity.

Membership is free and provides access to the Seed Exchange, where gardeners from around the US can swap homegrown, heirloom, and open-pollinated seeds. Seed Savers Exchange also sells over 600 varieties of seeds via its catalog, which helps the organization fund its seed preservation efforts.

12. The Cornucopia Institute 

Website: cornucopia.org 

The Cornucopia Institute is a non-profit consumer watchdog organization that conducts independent research into the organic industry and advocates for transparent product labeling. Its work includes assessing organic foods and farmers, as well as holding the US Department of Agriculture accountable for its enforcement and application of organic regulations. 

The organization focuses on non-GMO organic foods. It publishes comprehensive scorecards that rank foods and products – as well as accompanying reports – to help consumers to make educated choices.

13. The Institute For Responsible Technology

Website: responsibletechnology.org 

The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) aims to protect the genetic integrity of nature, as well as human and animal health, by preventing the use of GMOs in the food supply chain. It’s based in the US and mainly serves North America.

IRT provides education about the potential risks associated with GMOs through its website, social media channels, podcast, newsletter, and live events. The organization also offers a separate website for its Non-GMO Shopping Guide, which includes verified non-GMO foods, and tips on how to avoid GMOs.

14. The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook

Website: nongmosourcebook.com 

The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook is a directory that aims to help people make informed decisions about GMOs. 

A product of The Organic & Non-GMO Report magazine, the sourcebook includes more than 750 suppliers of agricultural products, vegetables, and other foods from around the world. It also features GMO testing labs, non-GMO certification organizations, and various related services. 

You can browse the sourcebook from the organization’s website or you can order it in print form.

15. Vigilance OGM

Website: vigilanceogm.org

Vigilance OGM is a Quebec-based non-profit that brings together farmers, consumers, and environmentalists to inform and educate people about GMO foods in Canada to increase transparency around these products. 

Among its various campaigns, the organization advocates for mandatory labeling of GMO foods, and influences Canadian grocery stores to carry fewer GMO products. It also produces a podcast about GMOs and sustainability. 

South America

16. Acción Ecológica

Website: accionecologica.org

Acción Ecológica (AE) works for environmental change and social issues in Ecuador. It campaigns for food sovereignty and, as part of its efforts, advocates against the use of GMOs.  The organization provides support to the Ecuadorian people by way of offering neutral and independent information that is readily accessible to the general public. 

17. Alianza Biodiversidad

Website: biodiversidadla.org

Alianza Biodiversidad is a collective of 12 organizations throughout Latin America that work together to protect the biodiversity of crops. The alliance publishes a magazine to promote sustainable farming and inform consumers about the risks posed by industrial farming practices, including GMOs and pesticides. 

The website hosts a comprehensive guide for people who want to adopt agroecological methods on their farms and properties. Visitors will also find news, educational materials, and a podcast centered on indigenous farmers.

18. AMAGGI Agro

Website: amaggi.com.br 

AMAGGI AGRO is a leading producer of non-GMO soy, corn, and cotton in Brazil. It partners with a number of organizations and companies to use technology and precision agriculture to create a trackable grain supply in Brazil and beyond. 

All of AMAGGI’s products are certified with the ProTerra Standard, a globally-recognized label given only to products that uphold stringent sustainability standards. The organization is also FoodChain ID Non-GMO certified.

19. Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas

Website: anamuri.cl 

The Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (ANAMURI) or National Rural and Indigenous Women's Association is an all-woman non-profit that works to improve the rights of indigenous women in Chile. ANAMURI runs a seed campaign to help improve indigenous womens’ food sovereignty. 

The organization preserves natural, pesticide-free, non-GMO seeds and distributes them to rural female farmers in Chile. ANAMURI’s seed campaign, in combination with its advocacy efforts around women’s access to land and water, enables rural women to have access to non-GMO foods.

20. BRMill Alimentos

Website: brmill.com.br

BRMill produces non-GMO cornmeal, corn flour, grits, hominy, and other corn products for both human and animal consumption in rural Brazil. The company tracks the entire production process from seed to finished product, so it can guarantee its GMO-free ingredients and quality.

21. Qima IBD

Website: ibd.com.br

Based in Brazil, Qima IBD is the largest certifier of organic products in Latin America. It inspects, audits, and certifies agricultural products in all 27 Brazilian federative units and 20 other countries.

In addition to Non-GMO IBD certification, the organization also certifies products with natural, vegan, and fair-trade ingredients. Additionally, it offers training courses for those interested in learning more about certification.

22. Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas para América Latina

Website: rap-al.org

Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas para América Latina (RAP-AL) is the Latin America and Caribbean regional hub of the Pesticide Action Network (PAN)

RAP-AL is a network of organizations and individuals that advocates for sustainable alternatives to pesticides, and opposes the use of GMOs. Its website provides informative articles and videos about GMOs, pesticides, and related issues.

23. Semillas de Identidad

Website: semillasdeidentidad.org 

Semillas de Identidad primarily organizes native seed banks in Colombia and the Caribbean that help protect the biodiversity of crops and minimize the impact of GMOs. The group concentrates on the preservation of native maize. It also practices political and legal advocacy in an effort to protect native seeds. 

The organization’s website features a blog and an archive of newsletters focusing on its efforts and successes in native seed preservation.


24. Arche Noah

Website: arche-noah.at 

Arche Noah is an Austria-based collective of heirloom gardeners and farmers who save and cultivate rare seeds, allowing the organization to care for thousands of endangered fruits, grains, and vegetables. The association is focused on preserving and increasing the biodiversity of crops in the face of potential threats, such as climate change and GMOs.

Visitors to Arche Noah’s site can purchase organic seeds from its online store. It also offers several courses and seminars to the public, as well as educational resources for schools. What’s more, the organization maintains a show garden where visitors can observe crop diversity in action. 

25. ARGE Gentechnik-frei

Website: gentechnikfrei.at 

ARGE Gentechnik-frei is an organization that promotes and supports GMO-free food production in Austria. It consists of members from food production, feed production, food trades, farmer representatives, consumer protection, and environmental protection organizations.

The main activity of ARGE Gentechnik-frei is their “Produced without genetic engineering” label. This certification has been awarded to over 4,500 food products that are made without the use of any genetically modified organisms, including vitamins, flavorings, enzymes, food additives, and animal feed. Continual testing is required for products with this certification to ensure that they maintain these strict standards. 

Consumers can find a list of member organizations on ARGE Gentechnik-frei’s website. The site also hosts a wealth of information about non-GMO labeling, including requirements for certifications and what each type means.

26. Donau Soja Association

Website: donausoja.org 

Donau Soja is based in Vienna, Austria, and has nearly 300 members in 27 countries. It advocates for sustainable non-GMO soy production in Europe through its three label certification programs: Donau Soja Standard, Europe Soya Standard, and Non-GMO Danube Region Standard. 

The organization also sponsors projects that focus on strengthening the production and trade of non-GMO soy in the Danube region.

27. European Non-GMO Industry Association

Website: enga.org 

Based in Brussels, Belgium, the European Non-GMO Industry Association (ENGA) describes itself as “the voice of the non-GMO food and feed sector at the EU level.” It has several different areas of interest related to non-GMO advocacy.

Through advocacy for legislation that supports non-GMO products across the EU, ENGA promotes and represents the interests of non-GMO food production, processing, marketing, retail, certification, and labeling. 

In addition to its advocacy work, the organization publishes a bi-monthly newsletter with news about non-GMO legislation in Europe and around the world.

28. European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility

Website: ensser.org 

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) is a non-profit organization based in Berlin, Germany. It brings together scientists from the EU and around the world to conduct independent research on technologies that impact health and the environment, including genetic engineering. 

The organization hosts conferences and releases publications to encourage open and informed dialogue on the potential risks of GMO technologies. Though its work is varied, ENSSER has published a number of statements and critiques related to the genetic modification industry. 

29. Friends of the Earth Europe

Website: friendsoftheearth.eu 

Comprising more than 30 national organizations that represent thousands of local groups, Friends of the Earth Europe is the continent's largest grassroots environmental network. Its various sustainability initiatives include campaigns against industrial agriculture and advocacy for more sustainable and accessible farming methods. 

In 2022, Friends of the Earth Europe was one of 17 organizations that delivered a 420,000 signature petition to the European Commission supporting the regulation of new GMOs. It operates many national groups that concerned citizens can join, one of which is specifically targeted at young Europeans. The site’s media center features the latest news and insights on the regulation of GMOs.

30. GMWatch

Website: gmwatch.org

United Kingdom-based GMWatch is a not-for-profit company that releases news articles, reports, videos, and other informative content. It shares these updates on its website and via its social media channels with the intention of educating the public and providing the latest information about GMOs.

31. GRAIN 

Website: grain.org

GRAIN was initially founded as a Europe-based organization that focused on lobbying and distributing information about GMOs as well as other food sovereignty and agricultural issues. Over the years, it has increased its geographical range and shifted its priorities. 

Today, GRAIN provides direct support to farmers in regions of the world that are most impacted by unsustainable farming practices, including the corporate control over the seed sector and GMOs. It is active in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

Through research, analysis, and organizational support, GRAIN helps local groups protect their communities’ biodiversity and food sovereignty, and harness their collective power to save and distribute seeds.

32. ProTerra Foundation

Website: proterrafoundation.org 

The ProTerra Foundation is a Dutch organization that works for sustainability throughout the feed and food supply chain, from material sourcing to the retail shelf. 

The organization offers a globally-respected third-party non-GMO certification – the ProTerra Standard – to companies that meet its sustainability requirements. It also provides training and seminars to its member farms and businesses to help them implement this standard and ensure that products are truly free of GMOs.

Consumers can access a database of ProTerra certified companies, which can be searched by company name, country, and certification level, to identify whether a particular manufacturer meets the standard.

33. Slow Food Europe

Website: slowfood.com/slow-food-europe

As part of Slow Food International, Slow Food Europe provides advocacy and lobbying on many issues related to food production, including GMOs. Slow Food fights for pesticide- and GMO-free foods as well as against the introduction of new GMOs to the continent. 

In addition to coordinating projects that preserve biodiversity and protect local food communities, the organization hosts local and international events in support of its goals. It also raises funds and accepts donations that it uses to support projects that will empower local food communities. 

Slow Food’s website is regularly updated with current rallies and educational events hosted by the European chapter and its partner organizations.

34. Testbiotech

Website: testbiotech.org

Testbiotech is a Germany-based non-profit organization that conducts expert independent scientific research on genetic engineering. Each year, it releases several publications and newsletters that assess the potential impacts of proposed and current genetic engineering projects in the European Union. 

The organization’s website also hosts a database of genetically engineered plants in the EU and offers risk assessments for each.

35. The Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT

Website: alliancebioversityciat.org 

The Alliance of Biodiversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) is a joint venture between two long-standing agricultural organizations. 

Together, they work to bring change in the world’s food systems and address multiple issues of sustainability, nutrition, and inequality. The organization’s headquarters are in Italy, but it serves Africa, the Americas, and Asia. 

Through research, policies, and education, these organizations are committed to preserving biodiversity in the world’s agricultural landscapes, with a special focus on tropical areas. They also have gene banks that contain bananas, cassava beans, and other tropical plants.  

The ABI and CIAT have also released several publications on sustainable farming practices, including assessments around the impact of GMOs, and maintain a library of tools for policymakers and organizations.

36. The Greens/EFA

Website: greens-efa.eu 

In 1999, The Greens and the European Free Alliance (EFA) combined to create The Greens/ EFA parliamentary group. While GMOs are not its main concern, many of its campaigns have involved non-GMO legislation, including its EU non-GMO campaign

The organization hosted the GMO-free Europe event to discuss the future of EU legislation governing GMOs in 2022 and plans to host similar events in the future. The website also features educational resources about GMOs.

37. Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik

Website: ohnegentechnik.org 

The Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik (VLOG) provides independent non-GMO certification for German manufacturers and other organizations that meet the association’s strict standards for GMO-free food and animal feed. 

The Ohne GenTechnik seal makes it easy for consumers to find non-GMO products when they shop. The organization’s website also offers a search feature for consumers to locate non-GMO food and feed.

Africa and the Middle East

38. A Greener World South Africa

Website: agreenerworld.org.za

A Greener World South Africa (AGWSA) is part of the global A Greener World organization. Its goal is full transparency in food production from farm to plate, which it furthers primarily through its numerous third-party certification labels, production guidance, and other support. 

The organization audits farmers fit for certification and guides them through labeling and marketing their AGW-certified products. It also provides educational resources to consumers about what the different labels mean. Its website hosts a blog and fact sheets regarding GMOs and sustainable farming. 

39. African Biodiversity Network

Website: africanbiodiversity.org

The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) believes that sustainability in Africa can be achieved by empowering local indigenous peoples to make informed choices about their own agricultural practices. The organization lobbies for political change, but its main focus is on working directly with communities.

Through its Community Seed and Knowledge initiative, ABN educates local farmers about seed preservation and ecological farming practices. It provides a seed catalog that local farmers can use to find non-GMO seeds.

40. African Center for Biodiversity

Website: acbio.org.za

The African Center for Biodiversity (ACB) works to fight corporate industrial expansion in Africa’s agriculture. It also cooperates with influential decision-makers to bring about change in the continent’s agricultural systems. 

When it was founded in 2003, ACB focused only on biosafety and GMOs. However, it has since expanded its objectives to include related causes like promoting ecoagriculture and seed preservation.

One of the ACB’s key aims is to educate the public and make research widely accessible in order to build alliances and movements around important agricultural issues. The organization’s website features articles and educational resources about GMOs and their impact, GMO legislation, as well as its advocacy efforts.

41. Agri Exim

Website: agrieximorganic.com

Agri Exim collaborates with over 25,000 farmers throughout Africa and Asia to produce certified organic and 100% natural non-GMO ingredients. The organization works closely with partner farms to maximize yields, ensure sustainability, and monitor the quality of produce.

Agri Exim’s products are backed by several globally recognized organic and food standards certifications, including Fairtrade, USDA organic, and the British Retail Consortium certificate. The company sells non-GMO soybeans, cocoa, coconut oil, and various other organic products.

42. Equinom

Website: equi-nom.com

Headquartered in Israel, Equinom is a food-tech company that manufactures non-GMO plant-based ingredients. It uses a combination of technology and natural methods to breed high-yield non-GMO crops that are tailored to its customers’ needs.

In addition to information about Equinom products, the company’s website also features a blog, which contains updates on the plant-based industry, and a guide to plant proteins.

43. Faithful To Nature

Website: faithful-to-nature.co.za 

Faithful to Nature is an environmentally and socially conscious marketplace in South Africa that strives to provide toxin-free food, beauty, and lifestyle products  The company is BCorp certified, a designation that is awarded only to for-profit companies that demonstrate outstanding “social and environmental performance.”

The company has a rigorous process for selecting the products it stocks to empower its customers to make good purchasing decisions. As part of this selection process, Faithful to Nature sources many GMO-free products. Its standards are transparent, so customers know exactly what they are purchasing.

44. Health of Mother Earth Foundation

Website: homef.org 

While not specifically focused on GMOs, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) collaborates with many other groups and movements to advocate for food safety and sustainability at the local community level. 

In several articles on its website, the organization discusses the fight against GMOs in Africa and advocates for policy reform. In particular, HOMEF has actively petitioned against the introduction of GMO crops in Nigeria.

HOMEF’s ikike campaign provides educational and financial support to individuals from a number of industries who are working toward sustainability goals. Its School Of Ecology is a traveling entity that teaches young adults the principles of sustainability to empower them to bring that knowledge to their own communities. 

45. Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Association

Website: pelumassociationrs.org

The Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Association (PELUM) is a network of over 280 organizations in 12 countries throughout Central, East, and Southern Africa that advocate for ecological land use management

Each chapter focuses on issues that are most relevant to its immediate region, but all are currently involved in sharing ecological farming methods with farmers and advocating for policy changes. While not primarily focused on GMOs, the organization’s push for sustainable farming methods stands in opposition to industrial farming practices like genetic modification.

PELUM’s  Kenya project is particularly vocal against the use of GMOs and is calling for the government to reinstate a ban on genetic modification within the agricultural industry. Uganda, Zambia, and Ethiopia are among the other countries with a dedicated PELUM project. 

The website of each PELUM chapter includes relevant news for the region, fact sheets on sustainable farming topics, and updates on proposed and recently passed government legislation. 

46. Thandaza Milling

Website: thandazamilling.co.za

Thandaza Milling exclusively manufactures non-GMO super maize meal. Maize is South Africa’s staple crop, yet over 80% of the country’s maize is GMO. Thandaza Milling tests all maize entering its silos and upholds strict production standards throughout the milling process to ensure that all products and equipment remain free of contact with GMOs.

The company’s website maintains a list of retailers that stock their products so that consumers and businesses can locate non-GMO maize near them.


47. Coalition for a GM-Free India

Website: indiagminfo.org

The Coalition for a GM-Free India is a network of individuals and organizations that work together to advocate against GMOs. The organization critiques existing and proposed legislation concerning genetic modification. 

On its website, the Coalition for GM-Free India publishes a wealth of information of interest to consumers and businesses. Its website hosts fact-sheets and research on GMO crops and their related issues, as well as news articles about the fight against GMOs in India.

Visitors can also view minutes from the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee’s (GEAC) most recent meetings via the organization’s website, which are not readily available to the general public.

48. Consumers Union of Japan

Website: nishoren.org 

The Consumers Union of Japan (CUJ) was founded in 1969 and has been on the frontline of fighting against GM foods since it first began operating. 

The organization protests various GM crop imports and calls for the transparent labeling of GM products. It also publishes a monthly newsletter detailing its efforts, along with several articles on subjects like biodiversity, organic agriculture, and food security. 

The CUJ website and social media accounts link to other global organizations that also raise awareness about the harmful effects of pesticides and GMOs.

49. East-West Seed Company

Website: eastwestseed.com 

East-West Seed is a privately owned company that breeds and sells open-pollinated seeds to protect biodiversity and increase yields in Southeast Asia. The company headquarters are in Thailand, but it exports seeds to 74 countries in tropical areas around the world. All East-West Seed products are free of GMOs.

In addition to selling seeds, the company operates a non-profit called the East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT). This organization trains low-income smallholder farmers to develop and use sustainable farming methods. EWS-KT shares videos and blog posts showcasing the impact and success of its work with local farmers.

50. GluCorp

Website: glucorp.com

Based in Pakistan, GluCorp is committed to providing healthy and sustainable alternatives to many products that often contain GMOs. The company offers sweeteners like rice syrups and tapioca syrups as well as grains, starches, and drink powders. 

All products are certified by major recognized entities such as Non-GMO Project, USDA organic, and Organic Canada. The ingredients in GlucCorp’s products can be traced through the supply chain, which helps the organization to ensure it upholds quality standards and empowers consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.

51. Navdanya

Website: navdanya.org 

Based in India, Navdanya strives to protect India’s food biodiversity. It has created 150 community seed banks in 22 Indian states to save and share native, organic, non-GMO plants. 

Navdanya runs the Navdanya Javik Ashram Biodiversity farm, which hosts eco-tours, courses, and training programs for those interested in becoming advocates in their own communities. Its website has a large database of educational material on biodiversity topics, including agroecology and GMOs.

52. NO! GMO Campaign

Website: gmo-iranai.org 

The No! GMO Campaign advocates against GMOs and works to protect the biodiversity of Japan’s crops. While the project’s ultimate aim is the banning of GMO foods, the transitory goal is to ensure proper labeling of GMO foods being sold in the Land of the Rising Sun. The organization also supports food sovereignty, regenerative agriculture, and seed conservation.

The campaigners organize boycotts, seminars, and conferences, and promote the expansion of a GMO free zone – a charted area where GM crops aren’t grown. What’s more, the initiative has seen many foods in Japan tested for GMOs. No! GMO has also published several educational pamphlets and publications to inform the public about the potential dangers of GMO foods.

53. Seed Freedom

Website: seedfreedom.info 

Seed Freedom is a campaign of Navdanya International, focusing on the role that seeds play in the food sovereignty movement. By preserving and exchanging open pollinated non-GMO seeds, members of Seed Freedom retain their right to remain in control of their own food.

The organization has issued a Declaration On Seed Freedom, asserting its mission to fight against ‘seed laws’ and defend the rights of individuals and farmers in saving non-GMO seeds. The Seed Freedom website hosts an events calendar, news on non-GMO laws, and several educational publications that can be used by its members around the world.


54. Australian Organic

Website: austorganic.com

Australian Organic Limited’s (AOL) Australian Certified Organic Bud trademark logo (ACO) is the most widely recognized organic certification in Australia. 

It traces products back to their origin for all sectors of the organic industry and provides support and education to certified clients. As Australian legislation around GMO labeling is lax, the ACO’s Non-GMO Standard ensures that consumers are able to identify non-GMO products with confidence.

Though based in Australia, ACO certifies products from many parts of the world. Producers can apply to be certified through the organic standards of Australia, China, Korea, the United States, and many parts of Europe.

The organization works closely with the Department of Agriculture and other Australian government entities to advocate for the interests of the organic farming industry. It also publishes an organic directory to help consumers find trusted organic, GMO-free products. 

55. GE-Free New Zealand

Website: gefree.org.nz 

GE-Free New Zealand is a non-profit organization that works to eliminate genetically modified foods in New Zealand through a number of projects. It monitors applications for new genetically engineered crops, writes submissions, and provides testimony in legal proceedings to clarify the potential dangers of GMOs.

On a consumer level, GE-Free New Zealand holds public meetings to inform people about GMO foods and organizes boycotts of GMO products and companies. It also publishes a newsletter with information about genetic engineering, including news and research updates.

56. GMO-ID Australia

Website: gmoid.com.au

GMO-ID Australia provides third-party non-GMO certification along all points of the food supply chain. The company also offers product testing and project management services to help clients meet non-GMO certification standards. 

Though most of its services are aimed at manufacturers, farmers, retailers, and other companies, GMO-ID Australia also provides consumer information about the potential problems with GMOs, as well as information about labels and their meanings.

The Bottom Line

Up to 80% of processed foods are produced using GMOs. With the prevalence of genetic engineering in the food supply chain, you may not be able to live a completely GMO-free life in the modern world. That said, being well-informed about GMOs can help you to make more empowered decisions about the food you eat and products you use. 

Hopefully with our list, you can better inform yourself about GMOs and make empowered choices. And even get involved in the non-GMO space if you're passionate about this topic.

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Author Molli Taylor

Molli Taylor

Writer, DeliveryRank

Molli Taylor is a DeliveryRank Writer whose content is grounded in her personal interests and industry experience, which helps her provide accurate and valuable information about all things food and delivery. Her core areas of expertise are organic eating, cooking, alternative diets, and hospitality. Before starting work as a freelancer in 2016, Molli spent several years working in the kitchen and dining room of a high-profile resort. It’s here that she developed an affinity for food and hospitality – knowledge she has carried into her writing career. Molli has written for dozens of clients, accumulating a wealth of experience writing about food during this time. Her previous endeavors include maintaining a blog about organic produce for a large farm-direct buying club, and managing websites for several food and hospitality businesses. Molli is passionate about cooking and eating a variety of international foods, and proudly practices a vegan and gluten-free diet that doesn’t sacrifice taste and adventure. When she’s not writing about food, Molli is probably exploring local parks and beaches with her 7 children and 2 dogs. Molli also volunteers with the houseless communities, food pantries, and gleaner operations throughout her hometown of Portland.

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