Distinguished guests, and viewers joining Delivery Rank from around the world, we are thrilled to present to you an esteemed guest who is at the forefront of revolutionizing the world of diagnostics. Today, we have the privilege of welcoming Hadar Tevet, the Co-Founder and COO of Atiko Technologies. Atiko Technologies is a visionary company that is transforming the way we approach diagnostics. With their groundbreaking advancements, Atiko Technologies has developed an accurate, quick, and portable solution that can detect any given molecule directly on site. This remarkable innovation is set to reshape the landscape of diagnostics, providing unprecedented convenience and efficiency.
Hadar Tevet, as the Co-Founder and COO, has been instrumental in driving Atiko Technologies' mission forward. With her deep expertise and passion for innovation, Hadar has led the development and implementation of this groundbreaking technology. Her relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to making a positive impact on society have set Atiko Technologies apart as a true pioneer in the field.
When we first started our journey, Atiko was focused on agriculture. As two people who grew up in the rural countryside of Israel, we had farming and agriculture running through our veins. We noticed how detection of pests and diseases hasn’t changed in centuries. It still relies on human senses such as smell, touch and visual identification.
This was our first motivation. Later on we found that while farmers are still struggling, it’s the food and beverage industry, further down the supply chain, where we can really make a difference. This immense industry, in charge of everything that arrives to our plate as consumers, is where the real fight in contamination takes place. We’ve decided to join ranks and put our energy and resources into this battle.
We found that the existing technologies can be generally defined as either quick or accurate. Users have to decide what they are compromising for. If they are looking for quick results to act upon - they take under consideration it will only be approximate. If it’s high accuracy and certainty they need - they know it will take a long time, hours or even days in some cases. Atiko is here to break that correlation. We offer both quick and accurate results, along with a robust, simple to use testing solution.
Atiko is harnessing the full power of Raman Spectroscopy, a well established technology with high accuracy that has been around for many years. Raman is able to provide a unique fingerprint signature for each molecule. No two molecules will return the same results. Its specificity is beyond comparison. Yet it is not in use in the food and beverage industry. The reason for that is that Raman Spectroscopy on its own, while extremely accurate, isn’t sensitive enough for the use cases in the industry.
Atiko has developed an enhancement surface to be used with a Raman spectrometer, for greater sensitivity and selectivity. When combined, Atiko’s enhancement surface brings exponential sensitivity, together with the Raman accuracy we are able to provide our customers a powerful tool for detection of contamination or any other material on-spot.
Today, food and beverage manufacturers are working hard to prevent contamination and control the production process and product quality. However, they are widely unequipped for the task. As mentioned, they can either take quick, unreliable tests for fast results, or they can wait for hours (at best) for more accurate results, and having operations suffer for that.
Atiko’s solution will enable an optimization of risk management by providing a highly accurate result on the spot, so operations can commence without having to halt and await data.
Our first line of devices will enable tests on demand, performed manually. Later on we plan on developing an in-line spectrometer, which will operate autonomously according to preset by the user. This will completely automate the testing process and will eliminate the need for human interference.
One of our earliest goals was to simplify the detection process. Our motto is BRING THE LAB OUT INTO THE OPEN which we regard to be our guiding light for our roadmap and decision making. We put the task of simplicity and ease-of-use as our number one priority. Our device is designed to be operated by any person, not having to be a highly professional lab technician or certified chemist. We imagine that our system will be placed at the customer’s production line, operated by the existing workforce.
Atiko is in R&D and product development as we speak. We are planning to launch our product to market in about 18 months. In the meantime we are working closely with partners and potential customers to ensure product-market fit and to provide the best solution to our customers.
After launch, we plan to establish our market share by offering further services and applying for other industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical and even semiconductors, where high quality plays a major role.
Basically, everywhere there is a need for precise monitoring and detection of materials in extremely low concentration, is where Atiko can go. The sky's the limit for us!
If you would like to find out more about Atiko Technologies, visit https://atiko.tech/