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Alison Bladh 2024: Nutritional Therapy During Perimenopause, Menopause and Beyond

DeliveryRank has the opportunity to chat with Alison Bladh, a dedicated registered Nutritional Therapist and Aesthetician, specializing in supporting women over 40 through perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. With a background as a best-selling author, health writer, and speaker, she offers personalized consultations and online programs to help women navigate midlife with confidence. Influenced by her upbringing on a farm in Southern England and her extensive travels, Alison combines her passion for food and holistic health to empower women to reclaim their well-being.

Alison, what inspired you to focus on supporting women during perimenopause and menopause, and how has your personal experience influenced your approach to helping others?

My journey into women’s health, particularly around perimenopause and menopause, began with a personal struggle during my teenage years. I battled persistent acne, which left me feeling frustrated and self-conscious.

Reluctant to rely on medications, I started exploring alternative ways to improve my skin through diet and lifestyle changes. To my delight, these changes not only improved my skin but also sparked a deep interest in women’s health and the connection between hormones and overall well-being. This passion led me to train as a beauty therapist, where I naturally began attracting clients dealing with hormonal skin issues, particularly during perimenopause and menopause.

However, as I worked with these women, I quickly realized that addressing skin concerns from the outside was only part of the solution. The missing piece was the internal work—nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management—that truly transforms not just the skin but overall health. Recognizing this need, I returned to university to become a nutritional therapist, determined to deepen my understanding of how what we put into our bodies impacts our hormones and health.

Growing up, I was surrounded by women, including my mother and her friends, who were navigating the challenging transition of menopause. They often felt terrible, yet no one spoke openly about what they were experiencing. Unfortunately, this silence persists even today. This observation drove me to seek answers and gain knowledge in this area, wondering why this natural life stage was shrouded in secrecy and stigma.

My personal experience, coupled with the stories of the women around me, inspired me to dedicate my career to supporting women 40+ through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. I believe that every woman deserves to feel empowered, informed, and supported during this time of change. My approach is holistic, combining nutritional therapy using the functional medicine model with lifestyle and mindset coaching to help women not only look great but also feel vibrant and energized from the inside out.

Can you share some common misconceptions about menopause that you often encounter, and how do you address these in your practice to empower your clients?

Here are some common misconceptions about menopause that I frequently encounter:

  • Menopause always leads to weight gain: While hormonal changes can make weight management more challenging, it’s not inevitable. I help women adopt realistic, easy-to-follow meal plans and strategies that support healthy weight management.
  • Energy levels will always drop during menopause: Many believe that menopause comes with a permanent loss of energy. I work with clients to optimize their diet, lifestyle, and sleep patterns to naturally boost and sustain energy levels.
  • Menopause marks the end of vitality and well-being: Menopause is often seen as the end of feeling vibrant and healthy. I encourage women to view this stage as an opportunity to invest in their health and maintain a strong sense of well-being through holistic care.
  • Menopause only affects physical health: It’s a misconception that menopause only impacts the body, overlooking the emotional and mental aspects. I address these areas through stress management techniques, mindset coaching, and emotional support.

Your 21-Day Reboot and Reset Programme: Reclaim Your Energy, Focus, and Waistline has gained a lot of attention. What are some of the key components of this program, and how does it help women reignite their inner sparkle?

The 21-Day Reboot and Reset Programme: Reclaim Your Energy, Focus, and Waistline is designed specifically for women 40 and over, focusing on all aspects of health in a manageable and realistic way. Key components include delicious meal plans with super easy and quick recipes, stress management techniques, and more, all aimed at helping women feel their best.

By removing foods and habits that don’t nourish the body and replacing them with what the body truly needs to thrive, the program helps women reconnect with their vibrant, energetic selves. The gradual, sustainable changes are easy to follow, and with 7 live sessions plus continuous support through a Facebook and WhatsApp group, participants are guided and encouraged every step of the way, helping them reignite their inner sparkle.

Many women struggle with symptoms like brain fog, sleep issues, and mood swings during menopause. What are some natural and effective strategies you recommend to manage these symptoms?

Menopause can bring about a range of challenging symptoms, including brain fog, sleep disturbances, and mood swings. These changes can feel overwhelming, but there are natural and effective strategies that can help manage these symptoms and improve overall well-being.

By making targeted adjustments to your diet, lifestyle, and daily habits, it’s possible to navigate menopause with greater ease and maintain a sense of balance and vitality.

Natural and Effective Strategies for Managing Menopause Symptoms:

Brain Fog:

  • Incorporate omega-3 rich foods like fatty fish and flaxseeds to support brain health.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to improve focus and mental clarity.
  • Ensure adequate hydration and reduce caffeine intake.

Sleep Issues:

  • Establish a consistent sleep routine, going to bed and waking up at the same time daily.
  • Be mindful of your caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime to improve sleep quality.
  • Avoid screen time close to bedtime to allow your body to wind down.
  • Consider herbal teas like chamomile or valerian root to promote relaxation.

Mood Swings:

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in whole foods to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking or yoga, to boost mood.
  • Practice stress management techniques like deep breathing or journaling.

How do you approach creating personalized nutritional plans for your clients, and what role do mindset and lifestyle changes play in the journey to reclaiming health and vitality?

I work very individually with each client, considering all aspects of their health and personal goals. Everyone is different, so I create a tailored plan that fits their unique needs and circumstances. I’m a firm believer that for any plan to be effective, it must be realistic and doable—otherwise, it’s unlikely to be sustained. It’s all about our daily habits; small, manageable steps can lead to significant results in the long term.

In addition to personalized nutrition, mindset and lifestyle changes are vital in the journey to reclaiming health and vitality. I believe that how we think and feel plays a huge role in our overall well-being. That’s why I help clients cultivate a positive mindset, which is essential for overcoming challenges and staying motivated. Managing stress is another key component, as chronic stress can undermine health and hinder progress. I work with clients to identify stressors and develop effective coping strategies.

When it comes to lifestyle, I encourage realistic and sustainable changes that fit seamlessly into their daily lives. This could include improving sleep habits, increasing physical activity in enjoyable ways, or finding more time for self-care. By focusing on these areas, clients can create a balanced lifestyle that supports their nutritional goals and overall well-being.

This holistic approach doesn’t just address immediate concerns; it empowers clients to make lasting changes that lead to a healthier, more vibrant life. It’s about creating a foundation for long-term success, where small, consistent steps bring about profound transformations in both body and mind.

If you would like to find out more about Alison, please visit https://www.alisonbladh.com/

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